This week, Craig has us play yet another variant of the Doug Loves Movies/Metacritic game. We duke it out for glory in the realm of shooters this time, and move on to discuss our paltry gaming for the week. Enjoy the NUDE!
This week, the Clan reviews the long awaited, and critically acclaimed Last Guardian. Join us as we discuss the games storyline, gameplay, soundtrack, design, and replayability. We also dive deep into a follow up question from last week. Enjoy the NUDE!
This week, Joe decides to rip off Doug Loves Movies with a minigame where the hosts guess a game based on reviews, the developer, and the MetaCritic score. Things also get a little steamy as the guys discover more about themselves than they could have ever imagined ala PixelEdged. Enjoy the NUDE!
This week, we discuss the father of Pac-Man, Masaya Nakamura. We discuss the popularity of Pac-Man though a quiz format. Kaleb Schweiss, of course, wins this and gets the epic Beto's Burrito as the reward. Enjoy the NUDE!