The Craig and Cameron review Capcom's new biggest hit Monster Hunter World. The guys go off on crazy people and Craig shares a story about an awkward encounter at a local gas station.
The Clan reviews the Tomb Raider reboot. We also talk other video game movies and Joe questions his sexuality because of a tough Digimon question. Check out all the classic action movie tropes in Tomb Raider.
On this episode the clan digidives into the digital world for the first time (Craig doesn't count), all of us collateral damage to Joe's punishment. Here we explore the cutting edge of current social issues, such as the ever controversial topic of Digimon rights. Find out how the clan tackles such issues, along with their opinion of this game with the longest title we have reviewed yet.
This week on Nude Clan, a friendly chat with Cpalm from the fantastic new Twitch podcast, Twitch Talks (follow him @Twitch_Talks). Then, we do a Q+A with a little bit of xenophobia after to spice things up.